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“The Carolina African American Heritage Foundation (CAAHF)

is a multifaceted group focusing on the needs of the Myrtle Beach and surrounding areas.

CAAHF Mission Statement

“The Carolina African American Heritage Foundation (CAAHF) is a multifaceted group focusing on the needs of the Myrtle Beach and surrounding areas.  The foundation promotes cultural, arts and educational programs relative to the historical and culture of African Americans living in the Carolinas.  CAHHF collaborates with local entities and government to promote sustainable growth in Myrtle Beach, better the lives of its citizens of all races or religions, and works throughout communities to strive for a safe and healthy environment for its children.”

CAAHF Motto:  

Collaboration to Empower Community

CAAHF Theme:

Economic Development and Jobs for Al

CAAHF was created in the Grand Strand area as a “LOCAL FAMILIES PROJECT”

The Swans, Bennie and Marcella and the Riley’s, Hebert and Mary, are neighbors living in the same community in Myrtle Beach SC. They found they shared similar interests and concerns for their community. The love of children and a desire for the advancement of African American history, cultural exposure and arts in the Carolina’s. During 2007, the Swans and Riley’s approached churches, neighbors, family and friends who then urged as a coalition Myrtle Beach officials to acknowledge the nationally recognized celebration for  the “Revered Dr. Martin Luther King Holiday”.

The Myrtle Beach City Council unanimously passed the resolution, establishing the “Revered Dr. Martin Luther King Holiday” citywide. During 2008, the M.B. City government and the neighborhood coalition celebrated its first “Revered Dr. Martin Luther King Holiday”. To manage the planning of the celebration, with the desire to work towards other systemic programs geared towards advocacy and implementation of services, the coalition developed the “Carolina African American Heritage Foundation, Inc”.

These days,  “Carolina African American Heritage Foundation, Inc”., hereinafter referred to CAAHF, promotes several actives:  Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Community Awards Breakfast , the King Day Parade and diverse educational initiatives that support community improvement, especially disadvantaged communities. CAAHF activities focus on music, history and educational seminars geared towards improving the communities perspective on the many cultural and heritage contributions of African Americans in building America.

CAAHF’s focus is on building collaborative relationships and partnerships with SC state socializing intuitions, private business and corporations. The goal being to maximize resources available, enhance delivery to communities at large thus insuring those with needs for services have consistent access. We support program advocacy, program development and promotion that is designed to give positive attention to student achievement, improved graduation rates, college enrollment, while helping with teen pregnancy prevention, mentoring programs and youth violence prevention partnerships.

Our Work:

Alerting, informing and educating the general public to the life & legacy of Dr. King and other civil rights and government leaders of all races who worked to change the injustices of segregation and discrimination in modern day America. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr’s Birthday Holiday Celebration is to honor him and those that fought and died so all citizens may enjoy the fruits of our society.

We are growing our yearly event as the destination in the Carolina’s to attend our official tribute to Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Bennie Swans loved everyone--"Loddy, Doddy and everybody" as he would say. The Myrtle Beach area lost a wonderful man who preached and spread love.
He will be missed.

The Grand Strand’s 19th Annual  Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

presented by the

Carolina African American Heritage Foundation

© 2017 

Carolina African American Heritage Foundation, Inc

CAAHF, Inc.  704 Eastridge Dr., Conway, SC 29526  *  (843) 251-1372

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